Community Patriots Manatee

Woke Buster’s Wanted

Calling all Woke Busters!!
We ALL have skin in this game, whether you’re a TaxPayer, Parent, Grandparent, or Community Member. The society that is being created by this deranged wokeness, is nothing more than Mental Abuse for Children which WILL ultimately lead into Physical Abuse! We all must do our part to SAVE the CHILDREN and OUR Society!
Woke Busters here is what I need:

Warriors – Digital, Investigative, and Boots on the Ground.

  • Need book titles looked up on the school website – I have the titles of books 
  • Spreadsheet made of inappropriate books that need to be reviewed and submitted
  • Make a book review – find the inappropriate pages and passages in the book
  • SAC Committees – School Advisory Board
  • Someone to head up a SAC Task Force
  • Find a parent in every school to join SAC
  • We need eyes and ears and boots on the ground in the schools
  • We need to make relationships with the Principals
  • Where do they stand on the books and wokeness
  • How are they going to protect the children
  • Get into the school Libraries 
  • “Parents” with kids in a school should have access to libraries
  • Give “Kids” titles of books and have them check the libraries for copies
  • Were rejected books removed
  • Are they following the laws
  • Be on watch for anything that looks inappropriate 
  • Are there hints of Activism, Globalism, Racism, White Elitism
  • Need people to join the Library Board of Trustees
  • We need to be a voice there also and oversee how our tax dollars are being spent
  • We cannot let them get one step ahead of us by filling the libraries with these books – what will be next?
Legislators and School Administrators are are becoming aware of these issues. But it is up to us the Parents and Community to search it out, find it and bring it to their attention.
It time!! We have to put on our Ghost Buster uniforms and get out our anti woke wand and backpack accelerator to hunt this out, suck it up and send it back into the wokeness universe!! 
We may be in the process of removing books, reviewing curriculum, and making our case with the administrators and school board but this is only the tip of the iceberg.  We have to STAY involved and vigilant! We cannot let the Fox guard the Chicken coop any longer!! 
The Green Blob is hiding in the shadows just waiting for us to turn and look the other way. It is a chameleon, a wolf in sheep’s clothing. Did you ever see the movie, “They Live?” In order to see the EVIL, you needed a particular pair of glasses. Indoctrination was hidden subtly all over in their world. Some of us do not need the glasses to see and know, but it is up to us to shield others until they have awakened. It is up to us to push back, hunt it out, and bring it into the light. This is when the others will awaken. We cannot fault those who do not know. We have to lift them up. We have to continue to educate them, bring them along, show them the way and direct them into the light. To attack, criticize, and be hostile to those who are foolish, living in denial, and refusing to believe, only makes them resist, and defend their position. We will never make any forward progress this way. We MUST help them and guide them to the Truth! 
We will continue to peel back the layers,  look beneath the surface.
The bill reinforces a parent’s fundamental right to make decisions regarding the care and upbringing of his or her child in the public school setting. The bill requires each district school board to adopt procedures for notifying a student’s parent if there is a change in services or monitoring related to the student’s mental, emotional, or physical health or well-being. All procedures adopted under the bill must require school district personnel to encourage a student to discuss issues related to his or her well-being with his or her parent. The bill prohibits a school district from maintaining procedures that require school district personnel to withhold from a parent, or encourage a student to withhold, information related to a student’s mental, emotional, or physical health or well-being. School district procedures may authorize school district personnel to withhold information only for a reasonable belief that disclosure would subject the student to abuse, abandonment, or neglect. The bill prohibits classroom instruction on sexual 
orientation or gender identity in kindergarten through grade 3 or in a manner that is not age-appropriate or developmentally appropriate for students.
Civil Rights in Employment and K-20 Education The bill specifies that subjecting any individual, as a condition of employment, membership, certification, licensing, credentialing, or passing an examination, to training, instruction, or any other required activity; or subjecting any K-20 public education student or employee to training or instruction, that espouses, promotes, advances, inculcates, or compels such individual to believe the following concepts constitutes an unlawful employment practice or unlawful discrimination.
I will keep you informed of my findings. 
I have been documenting this journey.

First, for those who are just jumping in so they can go back to the beginning.

Second, to see how far we have come, and third to hold people accountable that they know what they are doing, or to be responsible enough to do the research, and listen to the Parents, Tax Payers, and the Community.   

It’s time we all learn how to work together as a team with the same end goal in mind, to help the children flourish and grow into successful citizens of the community, not tear them down and instill fear, confusion, and Marxist Indoctrination. These are unprecedented times and that need unprecedented measures. We have been “Blindly” trusting for far too long. 

Thank you Joyful Warriors. 
Let us all walk in the light together!
Until next update….
We are not here to curse the darknesss, but to light the candle that can guide us thru that darkness to a safe and sane future.
                                                                              John F. Kennedy 
Again, Jesus spoke to them, saying, “I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will not walk in darkness, but will have the light of life.”
                                                                                   John 8:12

A few books found in the Palmetto and Central Libraries. Was pleased to not see displays of rainbows or these stories displayed out in the open. Most subjects were of “Two Mommies or Two Daddies.” Not to say other subjects don’t exist. A catalog search will show the exact titles and in which libraries.

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