Community Patriots Manatee

What are the Local Politicians Saying….

May 15, 2022

Met with Representative Tommy Gregory. We hand delivered a binder to him with examples of nine pornographic books that are in Manatee county schools along with the “Pages” of the graphic passages from EACH book.

I asked to read some of it to him and he said, “he had heard enough on social media and didn’t care to hear any more”

Good we’ve got his attention! 

The Binder also had copies of the Florida Statues 847.011 that pertain to pornographic laws. Seems to be that every law has been broken…I guess there are different definitions for the word “Pornography.” Somehow I think this is going to be the NEXT battle.

Also included was articles, the website and question surveys from “Panorama!!” Just the Panorama website ALONE sets the stage of agenda and indoctrination…no rocket science PHD needed to figure that one out! Take a look.

News articles of other counties who had their own lists of books to be banned was also included, along with their steps and procedures that they are currently working on within their school boards of getting the procedures changed.

After our discussion and laying out the facts, details, history and ideas for moving forward, Mr. Gregory thought it would be a good idea to pass the “Binder” on to Manny Diaz who is now the DOE Commissioner…. Who just so happens to be a good friend of his. He would be meeting with Mr. Diaz in two weeks and also would be sending him the info ASAP.


June 7th

Tommy Gregory was at Manatee Patriots to speak.
I asked him: for an update on passing the information on to the Commissioner of DOE.
His reply: Yes, I got the information to him and spoke with him directly about the issue. 
I asked him: “How does he feel about the sexualization of the children, the indoctrination of the transgender, the pushing of more than two genders, and the SEL and CRT being taught in the schools.
IS the Department of Education Commissioner, Manny Diaz AWARE of what is going on??
His reply: Yes, he is aware and is not too happy about it. Mr. Diaz and I will be speaking further about this and report back to you.
“I believe that a quality education is the door to opportunity, and my entire career as an educator and legislator, I have worked to better serve parents and students,” Manny Diaz
We need to hold him accountable to his statement!! 

June 8, 2022

A meeting with State Representative Vern Buchanan’s Assistant.

We brought a Binder of physical evidence to Vern of the inappropriate books in our schools to educate his aid on what is truly going on and being taught in the schools.
She read “One” sentence and said that’s enough!! 
Our firm request to be relayed to Buchanan is that we want him to push back in D.C. against the funding of these indoctrinating programs. They are ALL FEDERALLY FUNDED!!  This tells the tale!
His aid also suggested that legislatively we need to write some bills to be proposed. That is a big jump that we know may not be quite on the horizon. But educating, a little pressure, evidence, and not backing down are our goals for now, while working on legislative bills for the future. 

June 21, 2022

Here are followup email’s to Vern Buchanan’s Aid MarDee. 

Good afternoon Ms. Brinkley,

Thank you for sending Congressman Buchanan this information.

Since this is not a federal issue it is most effective for you to meet with your local school board members and your Florida State Representatives.


MarDee Buchman

Hillsborough County Field Representative/Constituent Service

Office of Congressman Vern Buchanan FL-16

Bradenton District Office

That was NOT a sufficient answer.


Hi MarDee,

It’s all being Federally funded. If the Congressman is not interested in taking this issue on could he direct me to someone Federally who is an advocate for Education and the Children. Im looking for someone who will go to bat for the parents and kids in his Manatee County. Direction comes from the Top. The State is only one part of the equation. Millions in Federal Funds are pouring into Manatee schools with agendas that we know are harmful and are breaking the laws. If the Federal Reps in our area are not concerned to know what is going on in their community then who? 

Thanks for your reply and if you could please direct me to a Federal Representative who can see how this indoctrination from the schools is going to tear down Manatee County’s future generations. 


Deanna Brinkley 

Persistence pays off!!!

Good afternoon Deanna,

It was my pleasure to meet with you on behalf of the Congressman and share your concerns with him. We look forward to work with you on educating students.  In the meantime, please let me know if you have additional information or concerns.

I have also included the Congressman’s District Director, Sally Shely in this email.


MarDee Buchman

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