Who is Alfred Kinsey?
and why should we care…
The dots have been connected.
When we ask what is the reason for the targeting and promoting the sexualization of children in and out of schools, now we have the answer….
Alfred Kinsey is this reason!!
Alfred Kinsey called himself a “sex researcher” as he performed criminal sex acts on adults and children starting in the 1950’s. He was proud of his nonjudgmental approach and worked to “readjust” sexual attitudes so they one could be counseled in a nonjudgmental way and to become desensitized to even the most bizarre and potentially harmful of sexual behaviors. Since these behaviors are being practiced by some people, they are, therefore, “normal” and healthy according to Kinsey. He also blames parents and society for ill effects of child and adult sexual contact.
The University of Illinois practices his research and houses the infamous “Kinsey Institute.” There is even a phone app where you can “submit reports about any sexual behavior you observe—including your own—anytime and anywhere.” While they say they are reporting “facts” they make no effort to make sure their facts are factual.
Why you ask would there be a need for a phone app??
Is this for further research, or is it…
- Once governments understand that the Kinsey Reporter app will likely be used by aggressive “sexual rights” advocacy groups to generate sex data that will almost certainly be used to try to change their policies, laws, education curricula, and especially sexuality education in their countries
- It will almost certainly be used by countries and organizations seeking to establish an international right to explicit “sex positive” comprehensive sexuality education programs for even the youngest of children under the “right to health.
- United Nations Member States will receive the reports of self-selected “citizen scientists” from countries around the world and will likely be used to make the case either by the Kinsey Institute or the sexual rights activist groups with whom it partners to decriminalize sex acts in the countries where reports of certain behaviors are received.
These words from the testimony of the Kinsey Institute’s representative before the United Nations Committee on NGOs take on a new meaning:
“Our work, we realized, has been very U.S.-centric over the years, and we feel a strong commitment and responsibility to be available on an international level; to be available to you and to your countries and to the UN agencies to provide research-based information that we may have that may help in policy decisions or in education or in health care.”
In other words, the Kinsey Institute wants to go global and wants to use to use their associations and influence at the United Nations to give them an increased appearance of credibility.
It is possible that the unscientific sex data collected around the world by the Kinsey Institute and using the Kinsey Reporter app may be used to try to influence the classification of deviant or unhealthy sexual behaviors in this manual as normal and healthy.
Are you starting to see the pattern…..
Nonjudgmental, become desensitized, any sexual behavior is normal and healthy. Generate sexual activities reported by the citizens to remove inappropriate sex and pedophilia laws, because everyone is doing it. Advance it into the sex education programs in schools and healthcare. This is why LGBTQ is of the rage and anything goes in sex and with any age or any partner!!
Now let’s take a look at who is Alfred Kinsey……

Deep in America’s heartland is one of history’s biggest cover-ups.
Alfred C. Kinsey is the world’s most famous sex researcher, who got unprecedented media attention after the publication of Sexual Behavior in the Human Male in 1948 and Sexual Behavior in the Human Female in 1953.
Kinsey’s pernicious and fallacious dogma, pervasive in our schools, courts and professions, is poison to children.
Children who have been sexualized early in life are often easy to spot. They are the kids who manipulate themselves at school, experience rage and terrifying flashbacks, cannot control their fears and anger, run away from home, drop out of school with early and multiple pregnancies, make repeated suicide attempts throughout their lives and fight lifelong addictions and depression. This is the norm for young survivors, who have been sexualized by acts of incest, child molestation or pornography.
It may be argued and many psychologists do, that children are not born sexual. When children exhibit sexual or criminal behaviors, these have been learned through harmful acts inflicted upon them or in the presence of children by adults or much-older children. Sexual abuse, for instance, includes pornography or live sex acts displayed in front of children.
The Kinsey dogma, which American sex education has been founded upon, is lies built upon crimes.
The infamous Sexual Behavior in the Human Male acknowledges the cooperation of numerous schools, orphanages children’s homes in which Kinsey or his assistants did “research.” Beginning on page 175 of Kinsey’s sexual manual are tables of experimental data about babies and children containing such tell-tale phrases as:
- “Based on actual observation[s]” Table 30 details the sexual responses of hundreds of babies and children, observed but not timed.
- Table 3l records “observations” of 317 males from age two months to 15 years old.
Table 34 includes data from sexual experiments on infants as young as five months old and children, who were sexually tortured up to 24 hours at a time.
Where did the nine adult males who observed these sexual responses, according to Kinsey, gain access to hundreds of babies and children to time their sexual responses for up to 24 hours at a time?

Kinsey Hires Sex researchers.
Kinsey personally interviewed thousands of people regarding their sex lives for the Institute’s research and insisted on knowing every detail. He was especially proud of his “nonjudgmental” interviewing skills, which enabled his subjects to more freely disclose the most intimate details of their sex lives.
Kinsey hired additional “sex researchers” and trained them in this same nonjudgmental approach to interviewing and sexuality research, even requiring them to engage in sex acts in his attic, often while being filmed, ostensibly in the name of science. In fact, the Sexual Attitude Restructuring Seminars (SARS) 2 in which modern day sexologists are required to participate, largely mirror Kinsey’s methods. To become certified sexologists today, students are required to participate in one of these SARS events, which includes watching hours of pornography depicting a wide array of sex acts to help them “readjust” their sexual attitudes so they can counsel in a nonjudgmental way and become desensitized to even the most bizarre and potentially harmful sexual behaviors.
The Kinsey Institute’s nonjudgmental or all-inclusive approach to sexual behavior is a major reason why their work is so harmful. Societies have always put restrictions on harmful sexual activities, including such things as pedophilia, bestiality, and others that are recognized as abnormal disorders by mental health professionals worldwide. It is one thing to document that various abnormal behaviors exist; it is another thing to claim, as Alfred Kinsey did, that since these behaviors are being practiced by some people, they are, therefore, “normal” and healthy. Kinsey’s belief that all consensual sexual behaviors are healthy and that it is society’s prohibitions on promiscuous sex, not the promiscuous behaviors themselves that cause problems, has not only permeated the philosophies and work of the Institute to this day, but has also had a major impact on sex studies, research and sexual education worldwide.
With the backing and credibility of Indiana University and funding from the Rockefeller Institute, Kinsey conducted his pseudo-scientific research on human sexuality attempting to prove to the world that children are sexual from birth and that promiscuous sexual behaviors of all kinds and at all ages are prevalent; therefore, they are normal and healthy. This false philosophy has provided the philosophic foundation and rationale behind highly controversial comprehensive sexuality education programs that teach children of all ages they have a right to sexual knowledge and sexual pleasure and that teach children as young as age five they can experience self-pleasure through masturbation. Read more here about the University of Illinois and their ongoing Kinsey Research.
This is information from an article that was written by one of our own Manatee County Residents on March 30, 1998. Beverly Newman did extensive research on Kinsey, helped write legislation, and worked to get the Kinsey Institute shut down while she lived in Illinois close to the Institute. Red the full article here.
Follow Miriam Grossman, who is a Child, Adolescent, Adult Psychiatrist, and Author also speaks out about physicians telling the lies and harming children. My profession captured. My colleagues spineless. Educators corrupted. Children sacrificed. Families destroyed. Civilization dismantled.
Many organizations still use Kinsey’s false research to continue crimes against Children.
Pedophile groups use the Kinsey Institute’s flawed research to support and defend adult child sex. Not surprisingly, such groups as the infamous North American Man Boy Love Association (NAMBLA) use Kinsey’s writings and research findings to support their promotion of sexual relationships between adults and children, i.e., pedophilia.
Alfred Kinsey blames the reactions of parents and others for any ill effects of child-adult sexual contact, appears on the NAMBLA website.
NAMBLA’s goal is to end the extreme oppression of men and boys in mutually consensual relationships by:
- building understanding and support for such relationships;
- educating the general public on the benevolent nature of man/boy love;
- cooperating with lesbian, gay, feminist, and other liberation movements;
- supporting the liberation of persons of all ages from sexual prejudice and oppression.
Just look at waht Wikapedia says about NAMBA.
- United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO)
- The regional center of higher education for Latin America and the Caribbean CRESALC)
- Planned Parenthood of America
- The Sex Information and Education Council of the United States (SIECUS).
UNESCO’s publication for first grade education, includes several cartoon-type figures claiming that children have the right to know their bodies. They proclaim the uselessness of guilt, prejudice, and social taboos. From seventh through ninth grade, students are taught that sexual relations can be constructive and pleasant experiences for both persons involved if both are open to having them freely, conscientiously, and if they are informed and responsible.
Alfred Kinsey’s Pedophilia, Fraud and Its Consequences For Society.
Dive deeper into Kinsey and his pedophilia fetishes along with how he created his research by watching this documentary.

The Kinsey Reporter Cell Phone App: A Cause for Concern for All Countries
Users are invited to “submit reports about any sexual behavior you observe—including your own—anytime and anywhere.” Anonymous users can fill out “surveys” about a variety of sexual topics including pornography use, unwanted sexual experience, sexual fetishes, flirting, public displays of affection, and sexual activity. The app allows users to indicate the gender, age, attitude, numbers of people involved and other indicators, including an “under 20” designation that would allow reports about sexual activity involving teens, children, or even infants. As users from across the world enter information, it is displayed on a map indicating approximate time and location of each sexual event and the country from which it is reported. Then as users of any age scroll across the map on the Kinsey Reporter site, descriptive phrases pop up for sexual behavior that has been reported like, “solo, man, pleasure, orgasm, fun.” Or “threesome, loving, bisexual, man, man, woman.” Or “oral sex, young man, woman, lust.”
It will almost certainly also be used by countries and organizations seeking to establish an international right to explicit “sex positive” comprehensive sexuality education programs for even the youngest of children under the “right to health.”
It is possible that the unscientific sex data collected around the world by the Kinsey Institute and using the Kinsey Reporter app may be used to try to influence the classification of deviant or unhealthy sexual behaviors in this manual as normal and healthy.
This is just the beginning if the Kinsey Institute is allowed to continue to enjoy consultative status at the United Nations.
Watch here the Kinsey Institute representative speaking at the United Nations. When she asks if anyone has any questions, not one was asked!! Humm, guess this isn’t something that was as popular as they they thought it was….
Illinois Representatives fighting to defund the Universities Kinsey research.
Rep. Lorissa Sweet lead an effort to defund the research center at Indiana University in Bloomington. The Indiana House of Representatives already passed an amendment to defund the institute and the state senate will vote in April to finalize the state’s budget.
Since 2016, the Kinsey Institute has been an incorporated part of Indiana University and because Indiana lawmakers dole out over $400 million dollars to the university, it lies within the responsibility of Indiana lawmakers to prevent Hoosier tax dollars from funding potential crimes of any kind,” said Sweet.
Sweet argued during the legislative proceedings that the Kinsey Institute has continued its namesake’s legacy of “crimes against children” through its “Kinsey Reporter” app, which allows researchers to track sexual encounters across the globe through anonymous user posts.
These are the current laws in the Florida Legislation right now dealing with these issues. It’s all part of the plan. Just start with one thing…crimes against the LQBTQ community, and build from there. Make more laws and ultimately remove all the sex, pedophilia laws.
HB 393
Gay and Transgender Panic Legal Defenses; Prohibits individuals from using nonviolent sexual advance or specified perceptions or beliefs about another individual as criminal offense or to mitigate severity of offense.
DEFENSES.—A nonviolent sexual advance or the perception or belief, even if inaccurate, of the sex, sexual orientation, gender expression, or gender identity of an individual may not be used as a defense to a criminal offense, to excuse or to justify the conduct of an individual who commits a criminal offense, or to mitigate the severity of a criminal offense during sentencing.

Alfred Kinsey & John Money: Psychopathic, Serial Sexual Predators
These men are to sexuality what Josef Mengele was to genetics.
David was a Canadian Mennonite identical twin (ahem, Mengele) born in 1965. Both were diagnosed with phimosis (contracted foreskin) and prescribed circumcision. David’s procedure went horribly wrong and he lost his penis. His parents took him to Money at Johns Hopkins after watching him on TV.
Like Mengele, Money saw twins as an opportunity to test his theories about gender being a social convention alone.
At two years old, David underwent the world’s first “sex reassignment” – being castrated and having the remains shaped into a “vulva”. He was given the new name “Brenda”. “Brenda” didn’t think he was a girl. He was bullied and suffered beyond imagination.
What happened next was something out of a snuff film.
Click here to read the rest of the story……
Find Detailed Child Experiments and the Results here:
Among the many aspects of incest that the Kinsey team opted to ignore were,
• number of resulting pregnancies
• number of resulting abortions
• relationship of victim to perpetrator (father, brother, uncle, stranger, etc.)
• instances of venereal disease
• number of girls victimized by more than one relative
• duration of the incestuous relationship
• number of offenses per child
• number of girls who reported their ordeal to parents and/or authorities
• ages at which the offenses occurred
• number of victims battered, blackmailed, or photographed for pornography
• number of girls given pornography as model behavior to copy
• number of victims attempting suicide
• number of victims subsequently entering prostitution or becoming substance abusers
Call to Action
- Go to StoptheKinseyInstitute.org and sign the letter to world leaders warning them and asking them to help Stop the Kinsey Institute.
- Find this brief on the StoptheKinseyInstitute.org website and forward it to as many people as you can, inviting them to sign the letter.
- Send this brief to as many high-level government officials as you can asking them to support the rescinding of the consultative status of the Kinsey Institute at the United Nations.
- Go to your local school and ask to review their family life or sex education (or comprehensive sexuality education) curriculum to make sure it has not been influenced by dangerous Kinsey sexual ideologies.
- Please report if you find their harmful sex philosophies have infiltrated your school, and then organize other parents to help you have it removed.

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